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April 1, 2008

I can’t even believe this!! Ugh. I don’t even know what to say. More later.

From → Uncategorized

  1. fillyjonk permalink

    Oh my god, that’s just… I’m speechless. Luckily it really speaks for itself.

  2. Oh man, everyone truly needs to see this. Unbelievable.

  3. Fat actuary permalink

    Did you read the comments? Some of them made me revisit my breakfast. What is wrong with people?
    I’m really glad you brought this to our attention, though.

  4. It’s times like this I’m glad I have the support of such an awesome community of people.

  5. Karin permalink

    Some people really know no boundries… *shakes head sadly*

  6. I can barely type, my hands are shaking so badly. what does this say of this our nation?

  7. Okay, I…don’t get it. That link is taking me to someone who has dubbed Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” to a Muppets episode where Beaker was originally singing “Feelings”…

  8. Ok, what am I missing here? Who is this Rick Roll, and why is it so bad for the Muppets to do this song? That’s what I got when I clicked on the link, and there has to be a context to it that I haven’t seen/heard. Things like this make me feel so out of it/uninformed. Can someone enlighten me?

  9. Vesta, I left a comment for you on your blog!

  10. BStu permalink

    This is nothing new. This guy has spouting the same kind of nonsense for years.

  11. I see the cat has escaped from the bag. For confused people.

    Happy April Fool’s Day!

  12. I’ve been rickrolled.

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